Wooden Bowls are Great! Aren't They?

    This past weekend I traveled down to Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota for event at the American Swedish Institute's Julmarknad...or Christmas market. All went went and sold a few bowls, spoons, and boxes. I also had the chance to spend some time with a few friends that live in the Twin Cities. One of whom I visited was friend and fellow bowl turner Jim Sannerud at his shop. Jim teaches bowl turning in the twin cities area as well as North House and places as far reaching as John C Campbell folk school in North Carolina. Jim's turned bowls and forms are an inspiration. As you can see they are very much inspired by the Nordic ale bowls and forms. Jim's really nice website is here and his bowls are pictured below. Pictured lastly is a really nice antique Ale bowl destined for the bowl collection at Vesterheim, the Norwegian-American Museum. Aren't bowls great?

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