June-part three-A New Bark Canoe born

       Here are the last photos of the canoe build. Looking back through the photos and reflecting on my energy level the last few weeks. I really think I have been pretty tired from the intense build. We build this canoe from start to finish in a little over a week, from gathering all the materials to their preparation to the finial launch. No wonder why I have not been that productive making things. That was intense!

     After looking at my 4 bark canoes, I've decided I have to try harder at selling 2 of them. So look for a post on these later this month. I'll tell some stories about these boats too. If any of you know of anyone interested send them my way please.

     Today is the first day I've felt like getting going on production. April and I have been teaching a bunch and I can't do both. This week I'll be doing one of my last big spoon carving workshops then on to production of bowls and spoons. After Robin's visit I've decided to build a better lathe that will stay put and stay set up. I also reforged all my hook tools after learning a few things from Robin. This is SUPER exciting stuff for me. Today I build the lathe and turned a little bowl to get the kinks worked out. I'll be sourcing some wood this week and turning. I can't wait.

      Oh yeah I've also been on antibiotics for Lyme's disease. I'm at the end of the run of medication and feel pretty good. I'm drinking a lot of plain kefir to get my biome back on track. You gotta feel good after kefir, right?

    I have a few thought provoking things to write about but heavy stuff will have to wait.

Here's the photos-

Robin hewing the thwarts

canoe ready for ribs

Tom lashing in the thwarts

Cedar shavings

making ribs

bending ribs

bending ribs

ribs in-first fit

adding some pressure

ribs in

ribs in with sheathing.

Canoe ready for some hot water

First launch

trims pretty good

Robin and JoJo having a blast

JoJo carving spoons

lashing the ends

pitching the ends

finishing up the caps

end complete

the vibe

finished canoe-second launch

finished canoe

new lathe under way

ready to go but needs a tool rack

with tool rack

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