Summer Time Warp and the Spoon Gathering

Well, summer is in full swing for me. I can usually tell because time seems to move faster than can be logically explained. Days filled with birch bark and wood chips, sore wrists and blistered toes. I have switched to my summer foot wear, 11 year old Teva sandals. I always get a blister under the toe strap on my right foot.

In early June in the small  town of Milan, located in the plains of south western Minnesota folks from around the mid west gather at a small handcrafts school. This event has a focus on spoons but mostly carved wooden spoons. The handcrafts school that hosts the event is the Milan Village Arts School, their website is here. I've attended this event for the last 4 years and always come back home refreshed and excited to be doing what I do. Some of the most serious spoon carvers in the Midwest attend this event.  It's a lot of fun to visit and talk about spoons, wood, and in the evenings around the fire just about any subject around goes.

Here is the photo's I took of what was displayed, enjoy.

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