More Cool Stuff to Look At
As I sort through the last photos from my trip for this blog, I realize I still have much to sort out in my mind. I met so many great folks and saw so much great handcraft. It's hard to think about it all at once. I'm left feeling really thankful that I can make my living doing this type of work. That I'm able to travel and share what I've learned. I hope you, dear readers, find some inspiration and thought provoking ideas from these last few posts on my trip.
The leaves are now past full color and fall is in the air. It's a bit chilly today and looks like this weather will be here for awhile. There is much to do this time of year, cutting firewood, making sure things are ready for piles of snow. I've forgotten the location of a few things that were left to be buried under the snow and have had to search in vain and wait until they have thawed out in the spring. This has been historically bits of important wood saved for some special project or beater axes for general work. I'm rambling now....
Here's the photos with descriptions, etc....